Event en cours.
La quête du pouvoir a toujours été un dangereux moteur. Malgré les sentiers destructeurs qui devaient être empruntés pour y accéder, les guerriers de cette ère en ont fait leur essence. Ils pourfendaient les terres décharnées - avec une gloire exquise, des dogmes écrasant les âmes et un seul dessein : détruire, posséder, dominer. Les grandes contrées étaient bercées par le fer des armes, une mélodie routinière dans ce climat sous tension constante.Afin de plus rapidement effleurer l'apogée du prestige, des clans naquirent et de puissants êtres ne firent plus qu'un pour s'assurer d'une invulnérable descendance. Au cœur du chaos, émergèrent des factions, des combattants liés par le sang, le chakra et les capacités. Leurs apparitions diminuèrent le désordre créé par les soldats indépendants – qui se rangèrent face à cette montée en puissance. L’accalmie permit aux Daimyos - anciennement terrassés par ce chaos, de reprendre leurs fonctions. Les frontières se dressèrent, scindant les nations divisées.

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Sujet : Relations de Dojin

rédigé le Mar 3 Mai - 12:19
Relations de Dojin Large

In what mindset does our character lie? If the stitches that bind the fabric of our soul shrivel up and fall to pieces. Can one say with absolute certainty, that he who was once filled with noble virtues, might suddenly be converted into a monster so beguiling that even his own shadow cowers in fear?
I have become that creature. A charming, vulgar, silhouette of my former self, disguised among you as one of your peers, waiting for that perfect moment to reach out and procure your soul. If you cannot view the intentions of a man by the look in his eyes two single heart beats after your first encounter, then you have no business calling yourself a queen. I know that some of you may balk, yet some may find the earnestness of your creation. The sky will open up and you will indeed be able to observe a brand new world right before your very eyes. I have already given you permission to shag, and it's my hope that you have used that permission to your advantage. Ladies and gentleman, what more can I say? I woke up in a city unfamiliar, I did so out of fear, on the ground lay my insides. I picked up the courage, determination and forgiveness from that pitiful bloody mess, to find myself and to discover the truth.....



In what mindset does our character lie? If the stitches that bind the fabric of our soul shrivel up and fall to pieces. Can one say with absolute certainty, that he who was once filled with noble virtues, might suddenly be converted into a monster so beguiling that even his own shadow cowers in fear?
I have become that creature. A charming, vulgar, silhouette of my former self, disguised among you as one of your peers, waiting for that perfect moment to reach out and procure your soul. If you cannot view the intentions of a man by the look in his eyes two single heart beats after your first encounter, then you have no business calling yourself a queen. I know that some of you may balk, yet some may find the earnestness of your creation. The sky will open up and you will indeed be able to observe a brand new world right before your very eyes. I have already given you permission to shag, and it's my hope that you have used that permission to your advantage. Ladies and gentleman, what more can I say? I woke up in a city unfamiliar, I did so out of fear, on the ground lay my insides. I picked up the courage, determination and forgiveness from that pitiful bloody mess, to find myself and to discover the truth.....



In what mindset does our character lie? If the stitches that bind the fabric of our soul shrivel up and fall to pieces. Can one say with absolute certainty, that he who was once filled with noble virtues, might suddenly be converted into a monster so beguiling that even his own shadow cowers in fear?
I have become that creature. A charming, vulgar, silhouette of my former self, disguised among you as one of your peers, waiting for that perfect moment to reach out and procure your soul. If you cannot view the intentions of a man by the look in his eyes two single heart beats after your first encounter, then you have no business calling yourself a queen. I know that some of you may balk, yet some may find the earnestness of your creation. The sky will open up and you will indeed be able to observe a brand new world right before your very eyes. I have already given you permission to shag, and it's my hope that you have used that permission to your advantage. Ladies and gentleman, what more can I say? I woke up in a city unfamiliar, I did so out of fear, on the ground lay my insides. I picked up the courage, determination and forgiveness from that pitiful bloody mess, to find myself and to discover the truth.....





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